Friday, February 16, 2007

Florida Visit

Here is a preview of our recent trip to Florida!
We got to visit our friends! The kids showed us their fort (top)
and we had a nice visit catching up and watching the kids play in the sunshine!
We saw most of our dear friends this trip but only got to spend an hour or so
with each! We miss you all very much! Come see us in Tennessee!

On Saturday we got to go to St. Augustine Beach. We had a good time, but it was a cold day as you can see by how everyone's bundled up!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Let it Snow... part 2!

The day after our first snow we woke up to this! It was quite beautiful!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Let it Snow!

Last night we got our first bit of snow! I was very excited! To me seeing snow is like seeing a rainbow. It reminds me of God's promises. How thankful I am that Christ came to wash me white as snow!
The neighbors, I think their house had the most snow. Yes I know that it was only a light dusting. But beggar's cannot be choosers! Plus we are getting more snow today!

The white specs on the picture are actually snow flakes.