Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Husband, My Hero!

I can't believe I'm sharing this but, yesterday, my husband removed a mouse from our house! We had heard the little feller making noise on Sunday but couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from. So of course he goes to work Monday and I was fine until about 2 p.m. when I went to read my book. All of the sudden I heard a the noise coming from the air-in vent in the office. I called my hubby and begged him to come home. I didn't know what it was. We had to remove all of the books from the bookshelf and move the bookshelf. I put towels under all of the doors so if he got away he couldn't go into another room. Bob found the mouse to be trapped in the vent. Well, he took off the vent cover and was able to grab the mouse after just two try's. He kept saying,"Oh, the little guy's hungry," while I was yelling at him to get the thing out of my house. Needless to say, I miss my cat! But a husband comes in handy too!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Grandma.

My grandma's birthday was on New Years Eve. She turned 73! She is doing well considering. We had a real nice visit while we were in South Dakota. Grandma got a cold which became difficult for us. We had to bring her to the doctor right away. ALS patients have to be kept an eye on so they don't get pneumonia. The most difficult thing for her is that her mind is perfect but she can't talk very well and will eventually lose her voice. She would like to tell us all more things of her life, but no longer can. My sister told me the other day, "Jennie, I miss Grandma", I knew what she meant but asked her to explain anyways, "I miss how Grandma was, how she used to live and be", she said. I know what you mean Erika, I miss her to. Starting the grieving process is difficult. I am truely thankful that I am Christ's child and that my grandma is too. I know that He has a reason for everything, for those who love Him. He is good and Grandma is in His hands. She is a true witness of Christ, and is a blessing to have around. I just keep praying that God would use her in this time to bring some family member or members closer to Him. I know that is has brought me closer.
I hope everyone has a great new year!

Grandma Julia is pictured here at her birthday party. She is centered between her brother Phil and her sister Brenda.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! We had a very nice couple of separate celebrations! Our first was spent with my parents and sisters, and my older sister's family. The second, on Christmas day was spent at the farm with my extended family on my mom's side. We had a wonderful time watching the kids opening their gifts, taking lots of pictures, and with the white elephant gift exchange, which always brings lots of laughs for everyone!

My nephew Samuel in his Christmas suit!

From left to right: My cousin Jesse, his girlfriend April, me and Bob.

Our family photo this year. My how the years fly!

My sisters, grandma and me! Grandma has ALS! She is an inspiration as she leans on our Heavenly Father and is a blessing to our family!