Monday, June 18, 2007

Nathaniel and Great-Grandma

Here are some pictures of our last trip to S.D. This is the first time that Grandma Julie got to see baby Nathaniel. It was very special to her! I just thought I'd share a few pictures of the moment with y'all!

That is when Nathaniel is just a week old.

Now he's nearly 2 months!

Friday, June 15, 2007

General Assembly, 2007

Memphis had the honor of hosting the 2007 General Assembly of the PCA(Presbyterian church of America). There was lots of work to do and everyone did their part. I had the privilege of helping with communion preparation for 5,000! I had a wonderful day getting to know some of the ladies from our church and denomination!

Here we are at lunch!

Here we are preparing gift bags for the ladies luncheon!
It was a busy day!Here the elders are handing out the communion. This is only one of the tables.
There were 8 more. Only they weren't quite as full! It was amazing to be a
part of communion with so many other believers! What a wonderful blessing
this week has been!

Then we got to wash out all those communion trays!!!

A picture of a long-lost and now found friend Joe! It was so neat to meet up with old friends.

During a discussion on the big topic this year. I thought that I was the only women listening in. I didn't see any other females! But it was fun to hear the men work out issues. I know if there were women in there there would have been a LOT of yelling!!!

Our pastor(from Jacksonville, FL) David Burke came to stay with us during GA! There's Joe again and of course Bob. We had to bring our guests to Rendezvous, the famous rib place in the alley in Memphis!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Our trip to Baltimore!

Bob and I just got back from our trip to Baltimore. We spent the first day at the Inner Harbor! We toured that USS Constellation and the aquarium. Our lunch included the famous crab cakes and soft shell crab. There are a few random pictures of things I though were neat!

USS Torsk

No Bob's not growing horns! Just topiary!

My cousin Michelle's daughter, Isabella! We had not
seen her since she was a baby! What a cutie!

The view on the patio at Gertrude's! They had the best crab cakes!

Mount Vernon