Monday, August 27, 2007


Dear Friends and Family,
Bob and I are packing up early tomorrow morning and going to South Dakota. My mom called this evening and said that they didn't think that Grandma Julia is going to make it through the weekend. She is dying of a disease called ALS or Lou Gehrig's. She is a christian. I am asking prayer's from y'all not only for our travels, but for her in her last day's on this earth. She is a wonderful woman, grandmother, mother, sister, friend. She has been an inspiration to me my whole life. She has always remained faithful to God and my own prayer is that she would go in peace, and not suffer here on this earth any longer. I also asked that (some of my family members are not christians) God would use her to bring them to Himself, change there hearts, that they would know that love that God had for Grandma and that she had for Him. He is so good and I am so thankful to have had her in my life.
I am sorry if I babbled on and thoughts are all running together at this moment.
Thanks everyone for your love and prayers,

Monday, August 6, 2007

Busy July

Wow! I can't believe that a month has almost gone by since my last post! I have been so busy my head is still spinning! After my folks left I started to prepare for company from Scotland and VBS(vacation bible school). I can't believe it is all over with! We had a wonderful time with our new friends from Scotland! They are such lovely people and I just felt like we had some family members visit that we hadn't seen in awhile! I toured some of Memphis with them, which kept me pretty busy and exhausted from the heat! During their visit we had VBS and they all(5 of them) helped with it! I helped with children's choir and had such a fun time! Well, it doesn't seem like I have been up too much but I have been!
One prayer request: they found fluid in my grandma's lung's(she has als). Please pray for her peace in the Lord and that she wouldn't be in any pain!

The gang from Scotland:(L to R) Pastor Colin, Dale Tara & Pete, Daphne & Charles. In front of the lovely bamboo forest!

Pete in front of the Ames Plantation.

Colin in front of 'his' school. Located on the Ames Plantation.

Bob helped with the games for VBS.

Charles and Daphne at the Botanic Gardens.

Pete and Dale at the Mississippi River.

Dale and Pete at poker night!

Dale and Jenette after 4 hours of sleep!

Pastor Herring and the Scotland group, at the airport. Wish they could have stayed longer! We had such a great time! I can't wait to visit them in Scotland!