Thursday, February 1, 2007

Let it Snow!

Last night we got our first bit of snow! I was very excited! To me seeing snow is like seeing a rainbow. It reminds me of God's promises. How thankful I am that Christ came to wash me white as snow!
The neighbors, I think their house had the most snow. Yes I know that it was only a light dusting. But beggar's cannot be choosers! Plus we are getting more snow today!

The white specs on the picture are actually snow flakes.


Joi said...

The girls were really excited about the snow. They got up this morning, dressed in layers, and put their boots on, to play in the snow. I kind of felt sorry for them, since there wasn't much to play in. They made the best of it, though.

I hope we get more.

Joi said...

Well, we got more snow!!! Did you get out in it this morning?