Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Break Company!

We had a wonderful visit this past weekend when Bob's mom, and sister Liz and her kids came up from Florida!! These are some pictures from the Mississippi River.

All tired out from a busy day!

Uncle Bob with Logan and Lawson at the Peabody Place, downtown Memphis.

Liz and Jazz in front of the beautiful fountain in the Peabody Hotel!

Waiting from lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe! We got to watch the wait staff dance to "YMCA"! Mom Arnold is in front in this picture!

Aunt Jen and niece Jazz painting finger nails!!

Aunt Jen with Lawson! Schwab's store downtown Memphis! Lawson wanted to try on the "funny hats". We had a great weekend with everyone! Thanks for coming and seeing us!


MollyH said...

Hey, good talkin with you today!! Ive checked out some of your other pics! Beautiful house by the way! And you look great!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We had an awesome time, of course it went by to quickly. Love the pictures! Miss you both!

A mom said...

Well hellloooo. Your seester has a link on her blog to yours, so I knew I had to check it out! Love the pics. Is that your house? If it is, I am moving in! :o)

Hope every thing has been going good there. Looks like it has!