Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Fun at the Park!

On my recent trip to South Dakota I got to spend lots of time with my nephew/godson Samuel. I took a lot of pictures of him, as you can imagine. Here are just a few of him and his parents, and my mom at the park.

I have never heard anyone giggle quite like Sam was on a swing...

I don't know what they call this but Sam liked to be bounced around by it!(Sorry Mom)

See Jake dig. Dig Jake dig.

The tunnel slide.

My nearly 9 month pregnant sister, she was swinging, and going down the slides!

I had so much fun with Sam. He is such a neat fellow! I wish I could be around as he grows up. It is hard to be away from your family. What can I say? The grass is always greener on the other side.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Dad's 60th Birthday--April 30th

I was fortunate enough to be home for Dad's 60th birthday celebration. He didn't want anything too big, so we brought him to Texas Roadhouse for a steak and a sit in the birthday saddle! He didn't get on all the way because he thought that they we going to drive him around the restaurant!!! We all had a good laugh at his side saddle pose!

Jake showing Sam how a cowboy rides on a saddle!

My nephew Samuel looks 3 or 4 in this picture not almost 2! He's such a fun boy! I really enjoyed spending some time getting to know him better! What a character!

Me and Dad doing the Betsy pose. Say cheesy!

Paula, Mom, and Erika! Paula's doing the Betsy pose too! We love you Mom!
For all who don't know, my mom's name is Betsy:)!!

Dad expensive boots! We all chipped in! Hope you had a great birthday Dad! Love you!

Update on Prayer Request

Thanks for the email and prayers! I am not quite better yet. I did get to the doctor on Tuesday. He wasn't sure why I am having these problems. He thought there was a possibility of it being related to migraines or even the worst being MS. He scheduled me for a MRI. On Wednesday I decided I wanted to see the chiropractor or at least find out if he could help me. He felt around on my nerves and took some x'rays, he said it sounded like I had a TIA or mini stroke(I guess lots of people get them??), did a little electrolysis and sent me home to come back the following day. So yesterday when we got to his office he told me that he found the problem. I have a straight neck! I guess our necks are supposed to be curved!(I must of been sleeping during that part of biology.) Crazy..well one of the vertebra's are touching the one underneath it, pinching the nerves that are causing my tingling hand. So he says he can fix it. He cracked my neck yesterday and said I have to come in for more treatments. I tell you that if he fixes this, he'll be my hero!:)

Oh, I did have the MRI last evening. The tech said she didn't see any signs of MS or tumors. Praise the Lord. Thanks to all for your concern and love and prayers!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Prayer Request

Last Wednesday I had a visit to the emergency room. After doing some (what I consider light) stretches, I jumped in the shower. About 10, 15 minutes later I started experiencing tingling in the entire right side of my body. I got out of the shower and called Bob to come home. After a few minutes the tingling stopped only to start again, this time only in my face and arm(still on the right side). Our visit to the e.r. came to nothing except being told it wasn't a stroke, praise the Lord for that. I haven't been able to get into a doctor yet..although I was supposed the next day. I am still experiencing tingling in my right hand and the right side of my lips. Please pray that we'll find out what's wrong and that it isn't too serious. Also, that this would go away.:) I am hoping for a pinched nerve...but we will see.

If anyone has any recommendations or can help me I'd appreciate it!