Monday, May 14, 2007

Prayer Request

Last Wednesday I had a visit to the emergency room. After doing some (what I consider light) stretches, I jumped in the shower. About 10, 15 minutes later I started experiencing tingling in the entire right side of my body. I got out of the shower and called Bob to come home. After a few minutes the tingling stopped only to start again, this time only in my face and arm(still on the right side). Our visit to the e.r. came to nothing except being told it wasn't a stroke, praise the Lord for that. I haven't been able to get into a doctor yet..although I was supposed the next day. I am still experiencing tingling in my right hand and the right side of my lips. Please pray that we'll find out what's wrong and that it isn't too serious. Also, that this would go away.:) I am hoping for a pinched nerve...but we will see.

If anyone has any recommendations or can help me I'd appreciate it!

1 comment:

Yankee Girl ~ Missy said...

Wow, Jen that sounds really scary. I'll be thinking and praying for you. GET TO THE DOCTOR!!! Let me know what happens.