Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Beckley Family Reunion!

Hmm....can anyone guess what we did here??

Wow, summer is flying by. The temps here in Tennessee have just reached the 100 degree mark. It is the time of year when I want to hide inside with the a/c on 60 and a fan on me. It is the time of year that I am most ready for winter!

We recently got back from our Beckley family reunion. My how the years have flown. I am just thinking now that it was 20 years ago I went to the very first one. I will try to find a picture of that one and then one of this one for you.

We rented a house in Florida with my parents during the reunion. It was cheaper than getting a hotel and we had our own pool! It was a nice relaxing vacation.

While we were in Florida my brother-in-law and his new wife had a baby. She is the cutest thing. They named her Kelly Lynn! We were very lucky to get to see her before we came home.

Other than that we have been working in our yard, and trying to enjoy Bob's new schedule of 4/10 hour days. That does get tiring as our evenings during those 10 hour days are very short.

We volunteered to help out with VBS earlier this year. Bob got to play Goliath and I was helping out with the music. We had a good time, but it was exhausting as usual.

I hope you all have a good summer and I will post some pictures as soon as I have time!

One more word of advice. If you are in Florida particularly on the water.....wear sun screen!!!!!

My typical Florida burn!

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