Friday, November 16, 2007


Last weekend Bob and I were invited to the Ozark's. We stayed in a cabin owned by an elder of our church. We had a wonderful time relaxing and hiking!! Fall colors were beautiful and we enjoyed the fellowship as well as the lessons taught from "Pilgrim's Progress"! Anyways, I've posted some pics of our time in the 'mountains'.

Above is the cabin we stayed in. The porch as you see
hangs off over the hill which runs down to the creek!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Long Time Forgotten.....

Yes, it has been sometime since I have put up a post. I have had a very busy last month and a half. At least I have been doing my best to stay busy. We took a trip a couple of weeks ago to visit Bob's family in Florida. His grandmother and aunt were down from Washington. It was wonderful seeing family and friends...well some of them. We went to the beach, for about 5 minutes. There was a 'red tide' so we all coughed, saw some dead fish, stupid tourist who didn't know better(they were in the water), took a couple of pictures and left. We mostly just sat around and I got sun burnt. It was good to see my niece and nephew's. We celebrated there birthday's while we were there, and Bob's grandma's 85th!!
Last weekend Bob and I participated in the Walk to D'Feet ALS. We had a nice time finding out what it was all about! We raised over $200, which is good considering I wasn't sure I'd raise that much! It was a beautiful day and our little 3 mile walk was quite enjoyable! Thanks to all who donated for this cause that is near and dear to my heart.

Here's are some pictures of our latest trip:

It's hard to believe that we were swimming earlier this month! It's freezing here now!!!

Liz taking a picture of me taking a picture at her.

Awww....Bob and Logan taking a nap.

Bob and me with Jazz, Lawson and Logan. They grow up sooo fast!

Bob and Grandma (Arnold) Daaguuard.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I will not show Grandma after ALS set into her body. Even though she was still beautiful. This picture is from about two years ago. This is how I want to remember her. Grandma passed away Saturday, September 1st. She did not have a wrinkle on her face. The people at the nursing home all told us how wonderful it was to work with Grandma. Her love for the Lord never wavered. And even though she couldn't speak. She still managed to let me know she loved me, just a few days before she went home. I thank God that I could be there in her last days, and minutes, I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world.
Christmas 2005: Grandma with her great-grandson Samuel.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Dear Friends and Family,
Bob and I are packing up early tomorrow morning and going to South Dakota. My mom called this evening and said that they didn't think that Grandma Julia is going to make it through the weekend. She is dying of a disease called ALS or Lou Gehrig's. She is a christian. I am asking prayer's from y'all not only for our travels, but for her in her last day's on this earth. She is a wonderful woman, grandmother, mother, sister, friend. She has been an inspiration to me my whole life. She has always remained faithful to God and my own prayer is that she would go in peace, and not suffer here on this earth any longer. I also asked that (some of my family members are not christians) God would use her to bring them to Himself, change there hearts, that they would know that love that God had for Grandma and that she had for Him. He is so good and I am so thankful to have had her in my life.
I am sorry if I babbled on and thoughts are all running together at this moment.
Thanks everyone for your love and prayers,

Monday, August 6, 2007

Busy July

Wow! I can't believe that a month has almost gone by since my last post! I have been so busy my head is still spinning! After my folks left I started to prepare for company from Scotland and VBS(vacation bible school). I can't believe it is all over with! We had a wonderful time with our new friends from Scotland! They are such lovely people and I just felt like we had some family members visit that we hadn't seen in awhile! I toured some of Memphis with them, which kept me pretty busy and exhausted from the heat! During their visit we had VBS and they all(5 of them) helped with it! I helped with children's choir and had such a fun time! Well, it doesn't seem like I have been up too much but I have been!
One prayer request: they found fluid in my grandma's lung's(she has als). Please pray for her peace in the Lord and that she wouldn't be in any pain!

The gang from Scotland:(L to R) Pastor Colin, Dale Tara & Pete, Daphne & Charles. In front of the lovely bamboo forest!

Pete in front of the Ames Plantation.

Colin in front of 'his' school. Located on the Ames Plantation.

Bob helped with the games for VBS.

Charles and Daphne at the Botanic Gardens.

Pete and Dale at the Mississippi River.

Dale and Pete at poker night!

Dale and Jenette after 4 hours of sleep!

Pastor Herring and the Scotland group, at the airport. Wish they could have stayed longer! We had such a great time! I can't wait to visit them in Scotland!

Monday, July 9, 2007


My parents and little sister came from a visit last weekend! We had a wonderful time! We toured some of Memphis, trying out different restaurants and of course listening to some Blues music.
Mom and I got to spend the better part of one day shopping! It was so much fun to be able to do that again with my mom! So many times, when I'm shopping alone, I wish my mom were with me. So it was a blessing to have her there!!!

The Memphis area is known for the catfish(just to explain the sign).

Bob and Dad hanging out.

Hanging out playing PlayStation.

One of the most popular places in Memphis to listen to the blues!

Okay, so my dad thought that the sign was neat. Then he thought it would be neat to do this. I really don't know what to say about it....?

Grandparents and Grandkids

Here are some random pictures of my parents with their grandkids. Sorry Mom, I just thought they were cute!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Nathaniel and Great-Grandma

Here are some pictures of our last trip to S.D. This is the first time that Grandma Julie got to see baby Nathaniel. It was very special to her! I just thought I'd share a few pictures of the moment with y'all!

That is when Nathaniel is just a week old.

Now he's nearly 2 months!

Friday, June 15, 2007

General Assembly, 2007

Memphis had the honor of hosting the 2007 General Assembly of the PCA(Presbyterian church of America). There was lots of work to do and everyone did their part. I had the privilege of helping with communion preparation for 5,000! I had a wonderful day getting to know some of the ladies from our church and denomination!

Here we are at lunch!

Here we are preparing gift bags for the ladies luncheon!
It was a busy day!Here the elders are handing out the communion. This is only one of the tables.
There were 8 more. Only they weren't quite as full! It was amazing to be a
part of communion with so many other believers! What a wonderful blessing
this week has been!

Then we got to wash out all those communion trays!!!

A picture of a long-lost and now found friend Joe! It was so neat to meet up with old friends.

During a discussion on the big topic this year. I thought that I was the only women listening in. I didn't see any other females! But it was fun to hear the men work out issues. I know if there were women in there there would have been a LOT of yelling!!!

Our pastor(from Jacksonville, FL) David Burke came to stay with us during GA! There's Joe again and of course Bob. We had to bring our guests to Rendezvous, the famous rib place in the alley in Memphis!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Our trip to Baltimore!

Bob and I just got back from our trip to Baltimore. We spent the first day at the Inner Harbor! We toured that USS Constellation and the aquarium. Our lunch included the famous crab cakes and soft shell crab. There are a few random pictures of things I though were neat!

USS Torsk

No Bob's not growing horns! Just topiary!

My cousin Michelle's daughter, Isabella! We had not
seen her since she was a baby! What a cutie!

The view on the patio at Gertrude's! They had the best crab cakes!

Mount Vernon